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Rebuild @ Rundlett - Part 2
Kujengwa upya kwa Shule ya Kati
Shule ya Kati KUJENGA UPYA
Tovuti ya Shule ya Kati
Kipindi cha Kusikiliza
Agosti 16 6-8pm
Hali ya Sasa
Mnamo tarehe 10 Julai 2023, baada ya miezi kadhaa ya kuchunguza maeneo yanayoweza kutumika kwa shule mpya ya kati, Wilaya ya Shule ya Concord iliwasilishamaeneo mawili kwa Bodi ya Shule kwa majadiliano. Tovuti ni pamoja na:
Kwa misingi ya sasa ya zilizopoShule ya Kati ya Rundlett, ambayo ina eneo la ekari 20 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa jengo jipya la shule; na
Kwenye eneo la ekari 56 la ardhi mbichi kwenye Barabara ya Curtisville Kusini, karibuShule ya Ardhi iliyovunjikana Shule ya Mill Brook.
Concord Greenspace kwa sasa haichukui msimamo wa au dhidi ya mojawapo ya maeneo haya ya shule ya sekondari. Kwa sasa, tunaona jukumu letu kama sehemu tatu:
Kuiwajibisha bodi ya shule kwa kutathmini kwa kina maeneo yote mawili;
Kutathmini chaguzi na kutambua njia za kupunguza ubaya wowote wa tovuti iliyochaguliwa; na
Kuwezesha fursa kwa sauti zote kusikika.
Tunahisi uelewa wa kina wa jumuiya na majadiliano yafaida na hasara ya kila tovuti ni muhimu kwa mchakato wa kufanya maamuzi.
Kwa ajili hiyo, tunakusanya maoni ya jumuiya ili kuwasilisha kwa Bodi ya Shule:
Mnamo Julai 22, tulifanya a"Tembea & Ongea" kutoka Broken Ground hadi Regency Arms Apartments ili kuchunguza jinsi matembezi hayo yatakavyokuwa kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya kati ambao wanaishi ndani ya eneo la kutembea la umbali wa maili 1.5. Kilichokuwa wazi kwa wote walioshiriki nikwamba hatua moja mbaya na mwanafunzi kutoka kwenye kinjia kuelekea East Side Drive kunaweza kusababisha msiba. Ikiwa jumuiya inapendelea tovuti ya Broken Ground, njia za kutembea zitahitaji kuchunguzwa kwa kina na mabadiliko muhimu kufanywa ili kuwaweka wanafunzi salama.
Tarehe 16 Agosti, tunakaribisha jumuiyaMchoro wa Katiool Kipindi cha Kusikiliza Tovuti kutoka 6-8pm - tafadhali jiunge nasi!
Tunakuhimiza sana kuhudhuria Kikao cha Kusikiliza cha Agosti 16 (RSVPhapa). Huu ni wakati wa kujitokeza, kusikiliza, na kushirikiana na wanachama wengine wa jumuiya ya Concord kuhusu uamuzi huu muhimu. Miongoni mwa mambo mengine, ni muhimu kujadili changamoto zilizopo kwenye tovuti zinazopendekezwa kwa wanajamii wetu wengi ambao ni vigumu kuwafikia. Eneo la eneo la shule ya sekondari litakuwa na athari kubwa kwa familia ambazo zinaweza kukosa usafiri wa kibinafsi au ambazo zinakabiliwa na vikwazo shuleni na jumuiya. Kwa sasa, tunajitahidi kupata watafsiri na viongozi wa jumuiya ambao wanaweza kutusaidia kuleta sauti za wanajamii hawa kwenye meza. Tutathamini sana usaidizi wowote na wote katika juhudi hii. concordgreenspace@gmail.com
Ni ufahamu wetu kwamba mikutano ya hadhara itafanywa na Wilaya ya Shule ya Concord. Tutakufahamisha kuhusu vipindi hivyo. Tafadhalijiandikishe kwa blogi yetu kwa sasisho.
_22200000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000222_Ikiwa huwezi kuhudhuria Kikao cha Kusikiliza kibinafsi lakini una mawazo juu ya faida na hasara za maeneo mawili ya tovuti yaliyopendekezwa, tafadhali yashiriki kwenye tovuti yetu.hapa!
Wakati niilionekana kwamba ardhi ya Kanisa la Centrepoint ambayo haijaendelezwa na tovuti iliyopo ya Rundlett ndiyo maeneo 2 pekee yaliyokuwa yakizingatiwa kwa mradi mpya wa maendeleo wa shule ya kati, Concord Greenspace ilizindua kampeni ya kutetea mradi huu kama “Unda Upya@Rundlett.” Dhamira ya shirika letu ni kuteteasmart, maendeleo endelevu katika Concord. smbinu ya ukuaji wa soko inahimiza kuwekeza tena katika miundombinu iliyopo - badala ya kujenga kwenye ardhi ambayo haijaendelezwa (kama vile mali ya Centerpoint). Njia hii hutumia vyema uwekezaji wa jiji letu katika barabara, madaraja, mabomba ya maji na miundombinu mingine, huku ikiimarisha msingi wa ushuru wa Concord, kulinda nafasi ya kijani kibichi, kuongeza vitongoji vinavyoweza kutembea, na kuzuia kutanuka. Ukuaji wa busara piainazipa kipaumbele jumuiya za watu wenye kipato cha chini na wachache na kuwa mabingwa wa ushirikishwaji thabiti wa jamii. Kwa kuwa uamuzi wa mali wa Centerpoint haukukidhi vigezo mahiri vya ukuaji - tulianza kampeni yetu ya utetezi ya kujenga upya shule ya sekondari katika tovuti iliyopo ya South End kwenye miundombinu iliyopo.
Mnamo Oktoba 16, 2022, kutaniko la kanisa la Centerpointwalipiga kura kutouzamali zao ambazo hazijaendelezwa kwa Wilaya ya Shule. Na Centrepoint nje ya jedwali, Wilaya ya Shule ilionyesha kuwa ilikuwa inaangalia maeneo mbadala ya tovuti iliyopo ya Rundlett. Concord Greenspace ilifanya sehemu 2 "Warsha ya Kujenga Upya ya Jumuiya ya Shule ya Kati" ili kushirikisha jumuiya, Wilaya ya Shule, na Bodi ya Shule ya Concord katika majadiliano ya kina kuhusu eneo la shule na muundo. Washiriki walijadili vipaumbele vyao vya ujenzi upya ikijumuisha: gharama, usawa, uendelevu, uwezo wa kutembea, fursa za elimu, na usalama & usalama. Yetu ukurasa wa wavuti wa jumuiya inajumuisha matokeo ya warsha hizi na afomu ya maoni kwa wanajamii kuendelea kutoa maoni, maswali, na kero kwa Wilaya ya Shule na Bodi.
Mnamo tarehe 10 Julai 2023, baada ya miezi kadhaa ya kuchunguza maeneo yanayoweza kutumika kwa shule mpya ya kati, Wilaya ya Shule ya Concord iliwasilishamaeneo mawili kwa Bodi ya Shule kwa majadiliano. Tovuti ni pamoja na:
Kwa misingi ya sasa ya zilizopoShule ya Kati ya Rundlett, ambayo ina eneo la ekari 20 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa jengo jipya la shule; na
Kwenye eneo la ekari 56 la ardhi mbichi kwenye Barabara ya Curtisville Kusini, karibuShule ya Ardhi iliyovunjikana Shule ya Mill Brook.
Suluhisho la Fedha Sawa
Concord Greenspace inahimiza sana Wilaya ya Shule kutafuta masuluhisho mbadala ya kufadhili shule mpya ili kuepuka kuruhusu gharama kubwa ya shule mpya (~$170,000,000) kuanguka kwenye msingi wa ushuru wa Concord. Ikifanya hivyo, familia za kipato cha chini hazitaweza tena kumudu kuishi hapa. Ingawa inaweza kutazamwa kwamba kubeba mzigo wa karo kwa shule mpya ni "kuwapa kipaumbele watoto na elimu", kwa kweli, ingewapa kipaumbele watoto ambao familia zao ni tajiri vya kutosha kukaa. Ni muhimu tupate masuluhisho ya kifedha yanayolingana.
Songa mbele
Concord Greenspace itakuwa:
Andaa Kipindi cha Usikilizaji cha Tovuti cha Shule ya Kati mnamo Agosti 16, 6-8pm katika Kituo cha Jamii cha City Wide. Wote mnakaribishwa! TafadhaliRSVP hapa.
Fuatilia maendeleo ya Wilaya ya Shule kuelekea uteuzi wa eneo kwa Shule mpya ya Kati.
Kuhimiza Wilaya ya Shule kujenga juu ya miundombinu iliyopo na kuzingatia kwa kina usawa katika eneo la tovuti na ufadhili.
Himiza mchakato thabiti na wa uwazi wa kushirikisha jamii.
AngaliaUkurasa wa Jumuiya hapa!
Na piga kelele kwa kutumia Shule ya Kati Site Faida & amp; Hasara Fomu ya Maoni hapa!

Concord Greenspace has played an active role advocating for sustainable development of the new middle school since May 2022. In October of 2022, with the Centerpoint Church property off the table, we pivoted our campaign to focus on community discussions around the rebuild and to advocate for equitable development options. On July 10, 2023, after months of exploring potential sites for a new middle school, the Concord School District presented two locations to the School Board for discussion: the Broken Ground School site or the Rundlett Middle School site. Now, with over a year of holding community discussions, listening sessions, talking to community members and leaders, knocking on doors on the Heights, attending School Board meetings, Capital Facilities meetings, and the official public hearings, we feel that the Concord community has spoken and the overwhelming majority wants to rebuild at Rundlett.
We understand that there are two more pieces of information required to make a final decision: cost and the traffic study at Broken Ground. Barring an enormous change in the anticipated cost at the two sites and knowing that the traffic zone at Broken Ground is already a deep concern, Concord Greenspace echoes the voices of the Concord community in advocating for rebuilding the middle school at Rundlett’s current site.
Here are the factors in this decision:
The voice of the Concord community
Sustainable Development - Rebuilding at Rundlett utilizes existing city infrastructure which is more economically resilient and has less environmental impact. Building at the existing site meets 7 of the 10 Principles of Smart Growth outlined by Smart Growth America.
It is a walkable and bikeable location with proven traffic infrastructure.
If the Broken Ground site had safe accessibility from the Heights and student walkers didn’t have to cross a major highway interchange, we’d be advocating for equitable development, however, it does not. It feels performative to call the Broken Grounds site “equitable development”. Improving equitable access to our schools is an issue that we implore the School Board to address head on. In the words of a Concord resident, “Simply dropping the school on the east side does not solve the equity issues of our district.”
Rebuilding at Rundlett maintains student proximity to the resources on the West Side of the city: public library, Main Street business district, Concord High School, the athletic practice spaces at Memorial Field and city parks like Rollins and Martin.
The construction impact on students will be as minimal as other highly successful Concord School District construction projects (including the Abbott Downing/Conant Project). At the June 17, 2022 Capital Facilities meeting the District’s lead architect stated that that none of the existing Rundlett building needs to be touched during construction at the Rundlett site. Students will have normal, everyday use of the Rundlett building. Zero portable classrooms are needed - thus none of the associated costs. The plan includes appropriate setbacks to abutters. Conveniently, the current gymnasium and Activity Room are positioned to buffer any construction vibrations.
The majority of residents living near the Broken Ground Site demonstrably do NOT want the middle school in their neighborhood whereas those living close to the Rundlett site demonstrably DO want the middle school in their neighborhood.
As strong supporters of public input and civic engagement, Concord Greenspace was taken aback at the last Middle School work session when, in response to several members urging to increase community engagement, the Superintendent cautioned the school board that if they “take the temperature” of public sentiment on the middle school location, they would have to be “responsive to that viewpoint” (hour 1:45). The Concord School District has an unusual level of power within the State of New Hampshire in that they are not required to have this expenditure approved by anyone else, including the voters. We have placed an extraordinarily high level of trust in this school board. They have told their constituents that they care about their opinions, promising more public hearings before making a final decision.
Concord Greenspace would like to thank the School Board for all their hard work on this project and we would like to remind them that they are the elected representatives of this community, and the community has taken the time and the effort to learn the facts and communicate their opinions around the Middle School Project. With a strong voice, the community has said both that they do not want the new middle school at Broken Ground and that they instead want it in its current location. These are our neighborhoods, our children’s schools, and our taxes that will pay for this $170+ million dollar project.
Specifically, we call on the School Board to:
Hold another Public Hearing without delay when the costs and traffic study becomes available.
Put out a fact-based District-wide Survey Monkey on the Middle School sites (like was done many times during the Covid Pandemic) that includes teachers and publicly publish the results.
Conduct a work session that focuses on community input where architects answer school board member’s questions and speak to the Rundlett site.
Email the School Board and Superintendent Murphy (see the email guide below with email addresses to cut and paste)
Put out your R@R yard sign.
Call or email your School Board member today.
Make your voice heard.
The Concord Greenspace Coalition
Cut and paste School Board members' emails:
cmeeker@sau8.org, rcotton@sau8.org, bhastings@sau8.org, bhiggins@sau8.org, jrichards@sau8.org, srobinson@sau8.org, pwalsh@sau8.org, jweinberg@sau8.org, tcroteau@sau8.org
Email Guide:
“Dear Concord School Board members and Superintendent Kathleen Murphy,
My name is _____________ and I am a resident of the Concord School District Zone __.
I strongly support the call to build the new middle school at the current Rundlett site. My reasons for this are ________ (use your own reasoning and/or select 2-3 key points from above).
Hold another Public Hearing without delay when the costs and traffic study becomes available.
Put out a fact-based District-wide Survey Monkey on the Middle School sites (like was done many times during the Covid Pandemic) that includes teachers and publicly publish the results.
Conduct a work session that focuses on community input where architects answer school board member’s questions and speak to the Rundlett site.
We elected you to represent us and our concerns. Please do so with integrity and transparency.
Rebuild at Rundlett!
Your Name”