Hello friends!
Welcome to our community group and thank you for your activism and support! We hope you like the revised website (fact checked this morning thanks to the keen efforts of Allan Herschlag). If you're receiving this post you've already taken the effort to subscribe or sign the petition - THANK YOU!
I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who came to the Community Meeting on Wednesday evening on the trails. A special thanks to Andy Jenness, Chris Graham, Chris Mertz, Leslie Ludtke, and Stacey Brown for their quick response and willingness to organize around getting Langley Parkway Extension Phase 3 -CIP 40 - permanently removed from the budget once and for all! (Andy Jenness has been analyzing the traffic data for weeks - a feat most of us can't imagine!)
Stacey Brown will be posting soon regarding follow up items from the meeting, but I'm sending this initial WELCOME to make sure this blog-style announcement feature is reaching your inboxes. If someone subscribed to the site, but is not receiving posts, please tell them to CHECK THEIR SPAM folder and have their email "recognize this sender" so future posts don't go to spam.
Our next big COMMUNITY MEETING will likely be held at Bishop Brady in early May -- Stacey is confirming time/date/location and will let us all know dates/times asap.
In the meantime, keep circulating this website and pushing for petition signatures from folks all over Concord. We need these signatures to the City Clerk by April 29th!
More to come...
Stay green Concord,
