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NEXT STEPS & SAVE THE DATE: June 21st 6pm Public Hearing for Rebuild@Rundlett.

Writer's picture: Middle School REBUILDMiddle School REBUILD

Hello Concord community,

The School Board meeting went well - check it out the ConcordTV video and in the Concord Monitor. Our decision to respect the Board's time and agenda with only a few team members speaking was very well-received. However, it will be critical to show up in FULL FORCE to the recently announced Middle School Public Hearing on June 21st at 6pm! Please mark your calendars and make a plan to be there - RSVP - we can help each other with childcare/rides/etc.

In the meantime, it is absolutely critical to SPREAD THE WORD and take next steps:


  1. CALL & EMAIL the School Board, District & Superintendent - see the email template and contacts below.

  2. SIGN THE PETITION and share the website petition far and wide! Include comment.

  3. Pick up a YARD SIGN! Contact for pick up location - if you need it delivered please include your address - subject line "yard sign".

  4. ATTEND the June 21st hearing! (6pm - 38 Liberty Street) - please RSVP!

Your voice matters!! Many community members don't know about the Rebuild@Rundlett concerns - please reach out to friends and neighbors and discuss the issues with as many people as possible.

Let's keep the Middle School "in the middle"!

Similarly, if you oppose the City using $22 MILLION dollars to bulldoze the community trail north of Concord Hospital to create a 78 foot wide parkway with no clear deliverables (Langley Parkway Phase 3) - show up and testify tomorrow evening June 9th at 5:30pm! RSVP Learn more.

Concord demands housing - NOT ROADS - protect Concord's green spaces.


The Coalition


Template to Email the School Board, Superintendent & School District

Subject: Rebuild @ Rundlett

Dear School Board, Superintendent and School District,

My name is (INSERT NAME HERE) and I live on (INSERT NAME OF STREET/ROAD/ETC HERE) in Ward (INSERT CITY WARD HERE). I have deep concerns about the relocation of the middle school to the CenterPoint property on Clinton Street. My intention is NOT to slow down the Concord School District from obtaining grant funding but to urge the District to submit the application for School Building Aid grant without listing any existing site deficiencies.

I am concerned that the School District has not completed a full alternatives analysis of the CenterPoint site vs the existing site and listing perceived deficiencies of the existing site without that full evaluation may prevent choosing the existing site in the future. I am asking the School District to honor their repeated statement that a final decision has not been made, particularly given the need to correct the record re: the size of the existing site with the public.

Issues still to be evaluated:

  • The incorrect lot size for the existing parcel has been provided to the public during the public involvement process. This was an unintentional error, but the School District has misstated the size of the parcel as 11 ac, when it is measured to be greater than 19 ac. The School District needs to complete a survey of the property before proceeding and correct the record with the public.

  • Safe Routes to School (SRTS) evaluations were completed for the existing Rundlett site between 2008-2013. No SRTS evaluation has been completed for the CenterPoint site. A new evaluation of both sites for comparison should be conducted, including a speed study to compare vehicle travel speeds.

  • Cost - we've recently rebuilt 3 Concord schools onsite, on time, and under budget - why not build off that successful track record?

  • Consideration of equity related to walkability of schools.

  • Impacts to the character of the South End neighborhood.

  • Impacts to the community gardens on Birch Street.

  • Impacts to wetlands, habitat, and farmland on CenterPoint site.

  • Traffic evaluations and comparison.

  • Crash record analysis comparison.

Ultimately, I would like the School Board to choose to rebuild the middle school on the existing site. We hope to work with CenterPoint and the City to consider placing the property into conservation to preserve this valuable green space and prime community farm land.

Thank you so much for your time and service.




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