A huge THANK YOU to all those who came to speak up on the I-93 Expansion Project at last night's TPAC meeting!! The committee reviewed and offered their recommendations on the widening project from exit 12 through 15. (Minutes here). TPAC ran out of time to discuss the DECK PARK & RIVER BRIDGE in any detail, however the Mayor/TPAC chair ensured the discussion will continue in depth at the next TPAC meeting on Sept 29th in City Chambers. So there's still time to weigh in! RSVP for Sept 29th here.
The Mayor's questions:
Throughout the I-93 plan process, the Mayor has asked Concord residents the following questions:
What does “access”or “connection” to the river mean to you? Is it dipping your toes in the river? Is it launching a boat from a dock? Is it an unobstructed view from a community park? What does it mean to YOU to be connected to the river?
What does a Deck Park mean to you? What is the possibility?
Would a bridge be sufficient?
Answer these questions in-person on Sept 29th or by email to jpbouley@comcast.net or use the Coalition's Community Request form here.
Next steps:
Please RSVP for Sept 29th here.
Please email your City Councilors.
Answer the Mayor's questions above on our community request form.
Attend the I-93 Expansion City Council meeting on Oct 11th 7pm - RSVP here.
The Concord Greenspace Coalition
PS. The Concord Multicultural Festival is this Sunday from 10:30am-4:30pm at Keach Park - see you there!