Dear friends,
Thank you to all those who participated in our 2-part Middle School Location/Design Community Workshop! As promised, we created a community page on our website including participant input from discussions around rebuild priorities. We also created a voting feature so you can vote for YOUR middle school rebuild priority. Check it out and vote here! This Community Page has been shared with the Superintendent and School Board. Also, here's the workshop coverage by the Concord Monitor.
Moving forward Concord Greenspace will:
Monitor the School District's progress towards location selection for the new Middle School.
Urge the School District to build on existing infrastructure to make the most of our city's investments in roads, bridges, water pipes, and other infrastructure, while strengthening Concord's tax base, protecting green space, increasing walkable neighborhoods, and preventing sprawl.
Urge the School District to include voices from Concord's underserved communities in the process of site location, design, and funding.
Encourage a robust and transparent public engagement process.
The Concord Greenspace Coalition
(Photo credit Eileen O'Grady Concord Monitor)
City Council Meeting - Monday December 12th 7-10pm
Please join us at the City Council meeting on December 13rd 6-8pm in City Chambers. It is our understanding that the agenda will include I-93 Highway Expansion Project and the complex issues around homeless encampments. City Council agendas are posted on the website the Thursday before meetings. Hope to see you there!
(Photo credit Geoff Forester Concord Monitor)
Interested in learning more about our growing organization?
Please join us on Dec 13rd 6-8pm at the City Wide Community Center for the Concord Greenspace Monthly Meeting. We’ll be reviewing our mission statement and determining roles and responsibilities. RSVP here!